Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hot Mama

Having a blog covering 80s music is something that can go on forever. There were so many very talented (and some less than "very" talented) artists from one-hit-wonders to the die-hards who stretched their music career over several decades. It's hard to know what to write now and what can wait for a later post.

I sometimes look over my blog and wonder, "Oh, why haven't I already covered such-and-such? He/she/they/it should not be left out if this is ANY blog about 80s music!"

That happened again when I was viewing 80s music on YouTube and came across Pat Benatar. I like her singing because she keeps it simple. Her songs are without much of the sighing, moaning, or other unneeded vocal noises that many artists rely on to make a hit. Pat simply sings a song and keeps it sweet. How can I not have mentioned her already?

Her videos usually show her in very sexy outfits. But in this one, she was pregnant during the filming so she opted for a very casual look.

However, this woman is one of few who could wear maternity overalls and look dang sexy doing so!

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