Saturday, January 21, 2012

A View To A Roof

Various songs can bring about certain memories.

Some songs take me back to when my folks decided to have the roof redone. Exciting, yes?

This was done during an incredibly warm summer in my youth. These very hot guys came over to work on our roof. They came to spend several days working on our roof. Did I mention that they were hot?

Incidentally, this was the perfect time of summer for me to spend long hours tanning in the backyard. It just happened to work out that I could survey their... progress.

I mentioned that they were hot, right?

Anyways, they worked for several days on the roof. They tended to spend a significant amount of time on the side where I happened to be. I guess the south side needed a lot of attention.

They also talked to each other and I could hear much of the conversations. They talked about girls, cars, girls, sports, girls, work, girls... Oh well. At least they were hot.

After some days of this, their conversation turned to music. My ears went *perk!* Talk of music is always worth overhearing. They mentioned several bands that I enjoyed until...

Someone mentioned Duran Duran. Someone else chimed in that Duran Duran was all a bunch of **** (rhymes with tags.) This was followed with mutterings of agreement.

It was at this point that I figured I had tanned enough for the time being. After all, it was tedious listening in on a bunch of mediocre-looking guys with crummy taste in music. I went inside.

I then went into my room, opened my window wide, and blared my Duran Duran music. Every day for the remaining time that they had to spend on my roof I gave them a generous dose of Duran Duran through my open window. The roof was completed very quickly after that. I'm glad I was able to help quicken the task.

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