I liked Twisted Sister. They sounded good and their videos were funny. That was about it. Other than hearing them on the radio or watching their videos on TV, I didn't bother to buy any of their music or make room on my walls for their images. When the 80s left, and Twisted Sister songs stopped airing, I forgot TS completely.
Fast forward to 2006. I was divorced for five years from a very abusive man who continued to harm the kids so I continued to be at war with him. The kids and I were going through therapy to get over the trauma and the nightmares. I was also finding my inner strengths, many that I was finding through my new husband.
I was driving home one day when a familiar drum rift began on the radio, followed by, "We're not gonna take it, NO! We're not gonna take it!" Finally, 22 years after it's release, this song spoke to me. I was SO DONE with my ex hurting me and this song expressed my feelings exactly!
"Oh you're so condescending
Your goal is neverending
We don't want nothin'
Not a thing from you!"
I found the video on YouTube and showed it to the kids. I did not name any names, I told them that NOBODY had the right to make them feel degraded and Twisted Sister thinks so too, but they knew that this song was everything against what their father was. The song spoke to them too.
Over time, they gained strength and confidence in themselves. Of course, I'm sure TS only played a small factor, but I know that they believed in themselves because there were so many people on their side!
I am grateful that Twisted Sister has taken a stance against domestic abuse. In several of their videos, they depict a scene of an abusive situation, and then the members of Twisted Sister come and save the day. Many artists would not take on this form of activism. Those who do are awesome!
A funny twist to this video is that the dad is played by a wigless Dee Snyder, the lead singer!
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